Harper's Bazaar









Under The Night

"I'm telling you, the guy is huge. He's like some kind of Greek God or something." - Harper after meeting Dylan

"Boss, he's giving me that look again." - Harper being teased by Rev

"I am a GOD!" - Harper demonstrating his self-confidence

"THE farm. He bought THE farm." - Harper correcting Trance on what happened to her predecessor

"Okay, I would just like to say for the record, we rule." - Harper upon seeing the Andromeda Ascendant

"You know, I'm actually starting to like that guy."

"Luck? This is a High Guard ship of the line. The pride of the old Commonwealth, perfectly preserved. When they made up the phrase 'they don't make them like they used to,' this ship is what they're talking about. It is the big score, the Shangri-La. It's the Holy Grail of interstellar salvage."

"Hey, don't forget the silk wall hangings. I love silk wall hangings. The only reason I go is for the silk wall hangings." - I love a guy who loves silk wall hangings

"Shh. Won't be long now babies."

"I know, I know. More power."

"Okay, okay, Mom and Dad, we get the picture."

"Or whatever it is you think with."

"I am in love."

"Hey, it's not just a machine, it's a masterpiece, a work of art. Like a Derverechi, or the Parthenon. Or a Harley-Davidson."

"Oh, oh, Miss Valentine... This isn't our first field trip. Purple company excluded of course."

An Affirming Flame

"A lot of money plus my eighty-four grand." - Harper wants his money

"Plus my eighty-four grand." - Gerentex's attempts at intimidating Harper failing

"The computer's alive, and she is ticked off." - Harper explaining why they're having troubletaking over the Andromeda

"No offence Beka, but have you seen the crew quarters on this place? Showers, and fresh coffee."- Harper's reasons for joining up with Dylan

"Where there's a will, there's a Wayist. After all, you can't convert the heathens without knowing their names." - Harper after hearing how everyone is a Wayist

"Lucky for you, I'm a freaking genius." - Harper on why he'll succeed where Gerentex's hired guns failed

"Basic unarmed combat manoeuvres anyone?" - Harper criticizing Gerentex's attempts at taking over the ship

"Yes sir, oh fearless leader, sir!" - Harper trusts in the Gerentex

To Loose The Fateful Lightening

"Now who's the God now?" - Harper after Rommie's android body saves the day

"Now that's the Andromeda I know, love and gave human form to." - Harper after meeting Rommie's android body

"They've probably gone to get bigger guns." - Harper speaking from experience

"All hail the conquering hero!"

"Acting apostle Harper reporting for duty."

"What a popular destination. It must be on all the tourist maps."

D Minus Zero

"New uniform?" - Harper on Dylan's tank top and shorts

"Hey, I'm driving here. I've only got two hands!" - so he's not a God...oh well

"Is that the part where we bravely run away?"

"No. Well, just Dylan running us into a missile attack so we can make friends with the nice people shooting at us." - Harper informing Beka of their new pals

"This will teach me to sit at the helm. Next time, I'm all about environmental sciences!"- but he looks so cute at the helm!

"Chapter twelve, paragraph eight, verse three. The universe hates you, deal with it." - An excerpt from The World According To Seamus Harper (you got me sold, where can I buy it?)

"Come to mama, baby!"

"Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."

"Sometimes high tech problems require low tech solutions." - ain't that the truth?

"Oh good. Insanity I can deal with. Maybe I'll go to hydroponics afterwards and run through the sprinklers." - I wanna see! I wanna see!

"Okay I'm just going to lie here right now, if that's okay."

"Did I do it right? What am I saying, of course I did it right."

"Should've been here a minute ago. You missed the part where I nano-welded my boot to the deckplate."

"I'm doing the best I can, Mr. Will To Power!"

"Suck up." - well, Trance was being a suck up :)